Thursday, November 29, 2007

"Pretending is the Master's ultimate sport, Erika. "

"It's not that dream worlds are born when you think new thoughts, but that real worlds are. And right now, this very moment, Erika, you live and breathe in each of them, thinking the others are only pretend, temporary, and fleeting.Yet in the world of your wildest dreams, Erika, there is one profound difference between it and all of the others. In the world of your wildest dreams, alone, you remember how on this day, reading this very NOTE, you decided to begin seeing the life that then surrounded you as pretend, temporary, and fleeting. Love you, The Universe"

My note from the Universe.....these things are so strange and most the time completely right on and right on time......

Now I am off to get ready, and get across town to the doctors and then to get back to work...I am choosing to trust God today. I am committed to allowing God to work in my life and I will draw on GOd and reach out to gain strength....

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