Thursday, November 29, 2007


Sometimes I wonder if it was ever real? Then I read the notes from the Universe....what is real anyways.....everything changes and so with prayer and action this too shall change...I laugh fairly often and have been getting out of myself and that seems to i even had a thought that just maybe "God" does have a plan and maybe it was better than I had ever hoped my plan to be....this letting go may be the best thing that I have chosen to do...I have made that choice becuase I can't hold onto that which doesn't want held..and not so sure that it was all I "thought" it was anyways...several people have really been helpful in gaining some perspective and it is what it is and my God and I know the truth and regardless I can give it to God and pray for others.....I haven't harmed myself or others this week and for that I am grateful and tired. I have honored myself and others and been respectful...and that counts for something even if only for me...

I love my family and friends and am grateful to them...I think I will Christmas shop this weekend and it will be a good weekend...

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